Company Information
Jefferson Parish Appraisal Service is a residential real estate appraisal company serving clients throughout the country. We're a personalized and competent appraisal company offering reliable service, accurate inspections, superior quality and customer service.
Through our experience with lenders, attorneys and other real estate professionals, we recognize what prompt, courteous response means for time-sensitive reports. We are committed in providing high quality reports, with quick turn-around time. |
Quality & Service
Our company is recognized by HUD as a market study firm and is qualified to produce Multi-family Accelerated Processing (MAP) reports which are now preferred by HUD.
The Appraisal reports contain data, descriptions, maps and pictures of not only the site, but of the surrounding community including comparable properties.
By reading our appraisal, even if you have not seen the property you can have a detailed and intimate knowledge of the condition and value of the site and its position in the market, and make a sound decision based on it.
Once we have delivered your appraisal, our service does not stop there. If you have any questions on any part of our report, call us at 504-340-7600, and one of our appraisers will go over any questions you may have.
Electronic delivery gets you the appraisal FAST!!!
Appraiser edits are shipped same day.
E-mail us to see how our speed can increase your company's efficiency

Contact Us
Phone, fax or e-mail us at 504-340-7600, (fax) 504-263-0909, jasonfrontline@yahoo.com